2011 Show Results
2011 Royal Adelaide Show Results
- Reserve Senior Champion ram - WINGAMIN 101907
- Champion Ewe - WINGAMIN 101879
- Reserve Champion Ewe
- Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit (Champion Ewe)
- Supreme Shortwool Ewe
- Supreme Prime Lamb and Maternal Breeds Ewe
- Supreme All Breeds Group (3rd year in a row)
- Most Successful Exhibitor (5th year in a row)
- 1st & 2nd prize April drop rams
- 1st prize May drop ram
- 1st & 2nd Pair of rams
- 1st pen of 3 rams
- 5th July drop ram
- 1st & 2nd prize ram lambs
- 1st & 4th ram lamb performance class
- 2nd Coles supermarket class
- 1st & 2nd prize Apr-May ewes
- 1st & 4th ewe lambs
- 1st & 2nd ewe lamb performance class
- 1st Breeder's Group
- 1st Sire's Progeny Group

Supreme All Breeds Breeders Group

Wingamin 101879 Tw
Champion White Suffolk ewe & Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit.
Supreme Interbreed Shortwool ewe & Supreme Interbreed Prime Lamb and Maternal Breeds ewe of the 2011 Royal Adelaide Show. Member of our Supreme Interbreed Group.

2011 Hamilton Sheepvention Results
(25 exhibitors - 230 sheep entries)
- Senior Champion Ram (Wingamin 101961 - TOP SHELF)
- Grand Champion Ram,
- Supreme short wool ram,
- Most Successful Exhibitor and 7 firsts
2011 Australian Sheep and Wool Show Results
- Senior Champion ram - Wingamin 102010
- Grand Champion ram
- Champion ewe
- Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit - Wingamin 102010
- 7 firsts including both group classes
- Most Successful Exhibitor

Wingamin 102010
Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit