2015 Show Results
2015 Bendigo Elite White Suffolk Show & Sale Results
This year we decided to go back to Bendigo support the breed's 30th Anniversary Feature Breed showing. We were thrilled to receive Most Successful Exhibitor even though we had already sold 6 stud rams from our show team prior to this show.
- Five firsts including 1st May class ram - Wingamin 140110
W 140110 won the pair of senior rams class with W 140180 (Champion) at all other shows in 2015.

Wingamin 140110 at the Bendigo Elite
White Suffolk Show and Sale.
2015 Royal Adelaide Show Results
Most Successful Exhibitor - 9th year in a row!
343 entries - 27 exhibitors
- Senior Champion ram - Wingamin 140180 (Son of Wingamin TRIFECTA)
- Reserve Champion ewe - Wingamin 122901 with lamb at foot. (W 2901 was Champion ewe, Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit and Res. Supreme Shortwool ewe at the 2013 Royal Adelaide Show. She won her class with lamb at foot at all 4 major shows in 2015)
- 5 first including both ram and ewe lamb objective measurement class winners.
- 3rd Lambplan lamb production class (trade) and 4th export.

Judges comments (Geoff Gale) on Wingamin 140180
- Royal Adelaide Show.
(W 140180 was also Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit at Bendigo in July)

2015 Hamilton Sheepvention Results
- Junior Champion ram - Wingamin 140384 (Son of Wingamin 133315)
- Reserve Champion ewe - Wingamin 140100
- Most Successful Ram Exhibitor
- Most Successful White Suffolk Exhibitor
- Includes 7 firsts including both group classes.
- Winning sire's progeny group by Wingamin 133315

Wingamin 140384
Junior Champion ram, Hamilton Sheepvention (retained in our stud)

Judges comments (Andrew Michael) on Wingamin 140384 - Hamilton Sheepvention

2015 Australian Sheep and Wool Show Results
- Senior Champion ram - Wingamin 140180 (Son of Wingamin TRIFECTA)
- Junior Champion ram - Wingamin 140302 (Son of Wingamin 133072)
- Reserve Champion ewe - Wingamin 140100
- Grand Champion ram - Senior Champion
- Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit - Wingamin 140180
- Most Successful Exhibitor
- Includes 7 firsts with 12 sheep

Winning pair of rams.
Wingamin 140110 & Wingamin 140180

(Left) Wingamin 140302
Junior Champion ram
(Right) Wingamin 140180
Senior Champion ram
at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show.