2016 Show Results

2016 Royal Adelaide Show Results
Most Successful Exhibitor - 10th year in a row!
- Supreme Interbreed Pen of 3 Rams
- Runner-up Supreme Interbreed Breeders Group - 1 ram, 2 ewes
- Most Successful RAM Exhibitor
- Senior Champion ram - Wingamin 150402 - Unbeaten Senior Champion ram at all 3 major shows attended in 2016.
- Champion ewe - Wingamin 150803 (Daughter of Wingamin 140384)
- 9 firsts including both ram and ewe lamb classes & objective measurement lamb class winners.

Supreme Interbreed Pen of 3 Rams

2016 Hamilton Sheepvention Results
190 entries - 23 exhibitors
- Senior Champion ram - Wingamin 150402 (Son of Wingamin 122714)
- Reserve Champion ewe - Wingamin 150803 (Daughter of Wingamin 140384)
- Most Successful Ram Exhibitor
- Most Successful White Suffolk Exhibitor
- Includes 7 firsts with 12 sheep including both group classes.

2016 Australian Sheep and Wool Show Results
- Senior Champion ram - Wingamin 150402 (Son of Wingamin 122714 "BENDIGO")
- Junior Champion ram - Wingamin 150705 (Son of Wingamin 140384)
- Champion ewe - Wingamin 150467 (Daughter of Detpa Grove 110452)
- Grand Champion ram - Senior Champion 150402
- Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit - Wingamin 150402
- Most Successful Exhibitor - 7th year in a row
- Includes 9 firsts with 12 sheep