Mertex 230354 T
$2,000 - 30 ewe doses
Purchased for $12,000 at the Bendigo Elite Show and Sale 2024.
Mertex 230354 is an April drop ram that’s structurally very correct with excellent breed type. He’s a long, deep barrel ram with plenty of carcase and a terrific hindquarter.
354 is sired by Mertex 210633 an E.T. son of Ida Vale 194051 and out of an elite Mertex ewe 190555 who has produced multiple stud rams. His maternal side includes grand sire Wingamin 181718 (Champion ram, Hamilton Sheepvention 2019) and great grand sire Wingamin 122714 (Champion ram Australian Sheep and wool Show 2013)
High quality semen has been collected and ready to go now.
Genomics tested.

Warburn 200274
Semen unavailable
Purchased in shares with North Ulandi White Suffolk Stud in 2021. (lot 2)
Used as a ram lamb at Warburn, this striking and upstanding sire already has 76 scanned progeny in the Lambplan database as at November 1st, 2021. Genomics tested.
Wingamin 192433
$50 per dose - minimum 30 ewe doses
Bolster your carcase shape and breed type with this very complete, well balanced, stylish semen sire. Wingamin 192433 currently sits in the top 10% on Lambplan for TCP, LEQ, EQ, WWT & Top 5% for PWT. An impeccable pedigree out of a classy line of ewes and sired by Warburn 160048. (48 sons have sold for $32,000, $25,000, $19,000 & $13,500 and progeny have topped sales around the country) Best of both worlds - show quality progeny with figures. You can have your cake and eat it!! Semen has been collected in both rams for export to the U.S. and domestic use. Wingamin 192433 & Warburn 160048 semen packages are available now.

Warburn 160048
$2,000 - 30 ewe doses
Semen is limited
(Lot 8 - Warburn Sale 2017- $16,000)
Purchased in shares with Prestige Farm White Suffolk stud, Montana, USA.
A high performance stud sire with the make and shape of Wingamin "Trifecta" (sire of dam) Sired by Somerset 130153.
Warburn 160048 is a safe, reliable and proven stud sire who is consistently producing high end progeny. Progeny have topped stud and flock ram sales around the country. Sons have sold for $32,000 x 2, $25,000, $19,000 & $13,500 & $10,000. Daughters currently hold the national White Suffolk record and have sold for $7,000, $6,500, $6000 & $5,000. He is the complete package for high performance, economically important visual traits and breed excellence. He currently sits in the top 5% for PWT, Dressing %, TCP, SHEARF5, LEQ & top 10% for LMY & muscle.
Wingamin 112462 Tw "TRIFECTA"
Semen Available
2015 update: Trifecta sired both Senior Champion and Junior Champion rams at the 2015 Royal Adelaide Show. The Junior Champion then went on to win Supreme Shortwool ram! (27 exhibitors - 343 entries)
- Supreme Champion Prime Lamb & Maternal Breeds Ram at the 2012 Royal Adelaide Show.
- Supreme Shortwool Ram and Supreme All Breeds Group at the 2012 Royal Adelaide Show
- Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit & Supreme Shortwool Ram at Hamilton Sheepvention in 2012.
- Grand Champion Ram and Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit at the Aust. Sheep and Wool Show 2012
1071 progeny in 33 Lambplan tested flocks for 2014 - 2015
"TRIFECTA: progeny won both the ram lamb and the ewe lamb objective measurement classes at the 2013 Royal Adelaide Show.
He features:
- Outstanding conformation - muscle definition in the loin & hindquarter & ideal carcase shape
- Scanned with 54mm eye muscle depth
- Achieved the highest combined score for physical traits, market sustainability, skin, wool & breed type in the Lambplan Lamb Production Class, Hamilton Sheepvention with Wingamin 112284 (Reserve Champion Ram, Hamilton Sheepvention 2012, retained)
- Quiet temperament
Detpa Grove 110452
Semen Stock SOLD OUT
Young, August 2011 drop, milk tooth ram purchased for $10,000 at the 2012 Detpa Grove sale.
Scanned in November 2012: 123.5kg, 8mm fat, 51 emd.
Joined to 100 ewes for lambing in 2013 & 2014 and being used extensively again for the 2015 drop.
- Sired 4 of the 6 broad ribbon winners at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show, Bendigo 2014
- Sired the Supreme Shortwool ram and ewe at Hamilton Sheepvention, 2014
- Sired the Champion ewe and Reserve Supreme Shortwool ewe at the 2014 Royal Adelaide Show
- Sired Junior Champion ram and our Supreme All Breeds Group at the 2014 Royal Adelaide Show
- Sired MANY other prize winners including both ram lamb and ewe lamb objective measurement class winners!

Champions sired by Detpa Grove 110452

Sons of Detpa Grove 110452 - Champion & Reserve Champion Junior Rams, Australian Sheep and Wool Show, Bendigo 2014.
Wingamin 122714 "BENDIGO"
Semen Available
Sired the Senior Champion ram and Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit at Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show, Hamilton Sheepvention and Royal Adelaide Show in 2016 (Wingamin 150402 - Sold for $10,000). Wingamin 122714 also sired W 150430 - 2nd May class and member of our Supreme Interbreed Pen of 3 Rams with 150402 (sold for $10,500)
Wingamin 122714 has 740 progeny in 4 flocks.

Son of Wingamin 122714

Son of Wingamin 122714