Wingamin has a long and consistent track record of producing quality rams from our strong ewe base which is the backbone of our stud.
The stud is an integral part of our farming enterprise and our main focus.
Our point of difference is attention to detail.
We endorse Lambplan as our bench marking guide for measured performance in the key production traits of weight, fat and muscle and use the show ring (the most rigid, independent structural and breed type assessment) to bench mark important visual traits. To date, we have made very sound breeding decisions that have seen us successful in both areas.
2012 was an amazing year for Wingamin, also topped off by a special award presentation at our local district's Australia Day function. We were thrilled to receive this special Business Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding show achievements, including all 3 interbreed titles - Supreme All Breeds Group, Supreme Prime Lamb and Maternal Breeds Ram and Supreme Prime Lamb and Maternal Breeds Ewe at the Royal Adelaide Show. It's the first time the same breeder has won all three titles at the one event!
In 2013 we capped off this unrivalled show run with the sale of our leading stud ram Wingamin 112462 "TRIFECTA" to Gary Heilig, Montana, USA. We are thrilled to be one of two White Suffolk studs that have exported sheep to the United States.
You can watch it all unfold below from the Stock Journal's Interbreed Judging Report at the 2012 Royal Adelaide Show.